• T: 0121 454 9535
  • E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Medical Assessment £240 including Blood Tests
Chest X-Ray £139.50 payable directly to BMI Priory Hospital at time of X-Ray

 If an ECG is required then there will be an additional charge of £70

You should allow 30 minutes for the medical. The Doctor will go over and complete the history part of your form and then undertake a thorough physical examination consisting of height, weight, vision, and then examination of your respiratory, cardiovascular, abdominal, neurological and musculoskeletal systems.

Please bring with you:

  • Complete medical form and a completed registration form
  • Your passport
  • Your glasses or contact lenses if worn


Other tests required for the Cayman Islands Visa Medical

You will have blood tests taken which consist of:

  • Syphilis Screen
  • HIV Test


Arrangements for Chest X-Ray for the Cayman Islands Visa Medical

You will be required to book and attend for a Chest X-Ray at The BMI Priory Hospital (4 minutes by car). This is a walk in facility with no need to book an appointment. You will however, need a referral letter X-Ray form completed by the practice and your passport. This may be done just before or just after your Visa Medical, or on another day.  You will need to pay the X-Ray clinic separately on the day for your X-Ray. The clinic will deliver your X-Ray report to us for inclusion into your final report.

The Priory Hospital
Priory Road
B5 7UG
Cost £139.50


After your Cayman Islands Visa Medical

Blood tests and X-Ray results are usually with us within a few days. Please allow 4 working days for your medical to be finalised. This may then be collected or posted to you. We recommend first class recorded delivery - we have never lost one!). We will keep a scanned copy of your medical which we will also email to you.

To book your Cayman Islands Visa Medical please contact Edgbaston Private Medical Practice on 0121 454 9535


Please note that in the event that your visa is not granted we cannot refund the cost of your medical.

Edgbaston Private Medical Practice is a trading name of Lister Medical Group Ltd, Registered Office: 44 George Road, Birmingham, B15 1PL, UK Company Reg No.: 09594751