Taxi Drivers Medical
Wolverhampton Taxi Driver Medical £75 Free re-test on all Medicals if needed
Solihull Taxi Driver Medical £59
Sandwell Taxi Driver Medical £59
PSV Medical £75
For organisations and commercial firms with more than 5 drivers please email for our terms.
Taxi, Minibus and Bus Drivers require a DVLA PSV (Public Service Vehicle Licence) medical on form D4 (available to download below) for the following:
- Every year from the age of 65
- On first application for a PSV licence
- Upon reaching the age of 45, and thereafter every 5 years
The medical takes around 20 minutes.
HGV D4 Medical £75
Lorry and Bus Drivers require a DVLA medical on form D4 (available to download below) for the following:
- Every year from the age of 65
- On first application for a PSV licence
- Upon reaching the age of 45, and thereafter every 5 years
The medical takes around 20 minutes.
For us to make sure the medical goes smoothly for you, please remember to bring your:
1. Glasses prescription if you wear glasses or contact lenses during driving - you can get a copy from your optician.
2. Relevant Medical History – Normally a FULL GP summary which can be obtained for free from your GP. If you are having a PCO license medical we are unable to carry out the medical without this. If you are having trouble obtaining the GP summary please see let us know and we can advise you on what to do.
3. Current medications and doses – Your repeat prescription is ideal.
4. A copy of the results of any medical investigations/tests you may have done.
5. A form of I.D (passport or driver’s license) along with any other form of I.D as specified by the relevant forms.
6. Your relevant application form.
If you have ever had ischaemic heart disease (a heart attack, angina, coronary artery bypass graft, or insertion of a stent), you must have a treadmill test every three years to hold a taxi license. This is not included in the medical.
If you have diabetes and use insulin, you may be able to hold a taxi license, but you will need to be seeing a diabetes specialist every year and keeping a record of at least twice daily blood sugar tests.
If you have diabetes and take certain tablets, you will need to be doing a blood sugar measurement at least twice a day.
If you have high blood pressure and are on tablets, you need to provide us with at least 3 readings done at home on different dates.
Cancellation Policy
You can amend/ cancel your booking but you must give at least 48 HOURS NOTICE. If the notice is less than 48 hours, WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REFUND the cost of the appointment.
You can do this by calling us on 0121 454 9535 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Free Re-test
We understand that there may be unforeseen conditions which may lead to you not passing the medical assessment. In the event of you failing the initial medical assessment Edgbaston Private Medical Practice will give you the opportunity to rebook for another single appointment within 60 days of the initial assessment. We will not be able to accommodate the free re-test after the 60 day period. This applies to the date of the retest assessment, not when you book for a re-test.
To book your PSV Taxi Drivers Medical please contact Edgbaston Private Medical Practice on 0121 454 9535