About Us
Edgbaston Private Medical Practice was established in 2007 by Dr Sarj Bahia and his wife Mrs Ranjit Bahia.
Dr Bahia was a full time NHS GP at the time and became frustrated with the lack of time he had available to spend with each patient. At the same time his wife, Ranjit, was working as a community pharmacist and she would regularly get requests for a private GP. This gave both of them an opportunity to provide an additional service to what the NHS was able to offer.
The practice started off very part-time , offering evening and weekend appointments only. However, by 2013, Dr Bahia was able to see patients on a daily basis and he decided to leave the NHS to focus on the practice. Since then, and especially over the last 2 years, the demand for the service has grown and with it the number of doctors at the practice.
Meet The Team
The team at Edgbaston Private Medical Practice has been hand picked by Dr Sarj Bahia himself. All members of the team have been trained to a high level and provide a high level of service.

- Dr Sarj Bahia
- Principal GP
- Co-founder of Edgbaston Private Medical Practice

- Dr Sarj Bahia
- Principal GP
- Co-founder of Edgbaston Private Medical Practice
Dr Sarj Bahia qualified as a doctor from St. George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London in 1996.
Before qualifying as a GP, he spent several years gaining experience in hospital medicine including Cardiology, Diabetes, Gastroenterology and Dermatology.
Prior to moving to Birmingham in 2006, Dr Bahia was based in Cheltenham and also worked as a physician on Harley Street.
Dr Bahia is a member of the Royal College of Physicians (London) and the Royal College of General Practitioners. He has gained a reputation in providing the highest possible of level of service to his patients.
Being an independent Practitioner allows Dr Bahia to offer complete continuity of care along with traditional values. It is in the patient’s interest to feel at ease with their Doctor and our practice is the ideal setting for this.
Over the Last 12 months Dr Bahia has expanded his team to include 2 further doctors, with a third starting soon, in order to continue offering a high level of personal medical service.

- Mrs Ranjit Bahia
- BSc (Hons) Pharmacy, MSc Community Pharmacy
- Practice Manager
- Co-founder of Edgbaston Private Medical Practice

- Mrs Ranjit Bahia
- BSc (Hons) Pharmacy, MSc Community Pharmacy
- Practice Manager
- Co-founder of Edgbaston Private Medical Practice
Mrs Ranjit Bahia established the Edgbaston Private Medical Practice with Dr Bahia in 2007. This was in repsonse to increasing enquires working as a community pharmacist for a private GP.
Her skills of managing busy pharmacies have been invaluable in setting up and running the practice. She continues to also act as the practice Pharmacist for any medication issues.

- Dr. P.S. Dhillon
- Associate Private GP
Dr Dhillon is an enthusiastic doctor who before becoming a GP, started his medical career in surgical and orthopaedic training. He maintains his passion for that field and for sports medicine in which he has both an MSc from the University of Bath and a Diploma from the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, for which he received the Macleod Gold Medal.
During his surgical training he also spent over a year working in the field of plastic surgery and uses those valuable skills today when doing minor surgery. He is a member of both the Royal College of Surgeons England and the Royal College of General Practitioners.

- Jas Kaur
- Senior Medical Receptionist

- Emily Carter
- Medical Receptionist